How it Works

Better ball points stableford over 18 holes with one score to count on each hole. Every qualifying score submitted by each team, must have been played in a better ball points stableford over 18 holes with one score to count on each hole

Teams can return a score from any officially organised better ball stableford points’ competition, at golf clubs in South Africa, during the qualifying period. Teams may return 2 qualifying scores from 36 holes events

01 March 2024 – 28 february 2025

Log onto the NBBC website and on the homepage enter the “players area” and under score submission section enter;

  • Your team number and password to open your scoring log
  • Your teams latest scores
  • Date of competition
  • AM or PM round
  • Name of the golf course
  • Province

If the organisers deem your score to be exceptional, an email will be submitted to the club for verification and you will be copied in the mail
If the organisers are unable to confirm any of a team’s scores, the team will be required to get a letter confirming the score from the club and send it to

Each team’s players must play off 85% (eighty five percent) of their Course handicap.

The top 12 teams, based on the aggregate of their best 3 scores from the four nominated regions as follows: Gauteng – 4 teams, Western Cape – 2 teams, KZN – 2 teams, the rest of South Africa – 4 teams

A count-out, based on the teams’ players highest handicaps during the qualifying period, with the winner being the team with the lowest combined handicap. If any teams are still tied, the winner will be based on the single highest points’ score returned during the qualifying period, and if still tied by a draw. The same count-out procedure using lowest combined handicaps, will be used at the Final, by using each team’s players’ current handicaps

Eagle Canyon Golf & Lifestyle Estate

  • Where will the finalists be staying? For 2 nights in shared accommodation (with your playing partner) and FOC, in 5 star luxury at the iconic Sandton Sun & Towers Hotel.
  • How will the finalists get there? The NBBC will provide each of the non-Gauteng based finalists with travel ‘vouchers’, which they can then use choose their own preferred mode of transport to the Final.


For 2 nights in shared accommodation (with your playing partner) and FOC, in 5 star luxury at the iconic Sandton Sun & Towers Hotel.

Better ball stableford points over 18 holes

Your team can enter as many scores as you like, during the qualifying period, and yes there are monthly prize draws, and every score entered qualifies you for an entry into a prize draw each month, and will also generate a further entry into the overall prize draw.

If you are interested in becoming a player, enter now!